Bigint Computing Journal <p align="justify">Bigint Computing Journal is a journal that discusses science in the field of computing, namely: Computer Engineering (CE): Computer Engineering/Computer Systems/Information Engineering, Computer Science (CS): Computer Science/Informatics, Software Engineering (SE): Engineering Software, Information Systems (IS): Information Systems, and Information Technology (IT): Information Technology. Bigint Computing Journal is published 2 times a year, namely in the January and July editions.</p> Ali Institute of Reseach and Publication en-US Bigint Computing Journal 3032-5374 Effectiveness of Text Messages Using Substitution Ciphers and Transposition Ciphers <p>The rapid development of communication technology has brought many benefits. One technique that is always used is news channels. Currently, chat applications are widely used, everyone uses messaging applications as a communication tool to send accurate information, and everyone is increasingly satisfied using these applications. Technology has emerged to convey messages from sender to recipient more efficiently. Message content; He; Security, social, education and work and recreation. This article explains how effective text-based message security is using substitution and transposition cryptographic methods. With the introduction of encryption processes, interception of text messages should be minimized. Of these two methods, the performance test results show that all combinations of encryption and decryption are truly successful in returning the ciphertext to its original plaintext.</p> Disnu Panggabean Siti Aisyah Hasibuan Yuda Fakhri Roza Copyright (c) 2024 Disnu Panggabean, Siti Aisyah Hasibuan, Yuda Fakhri Roza 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 2 1 1 8 10.55537/bigint.v2i1.578 Design of an Information System for Archiving Hajj Pilgrim Files at the Ministry of Religion of Medan City <p>In the era of globalization, computer technology plays a very important role in assisting the process of activities at the Medan City Ministry of Religion office, especially in the Hajj services section where files are still stored manually. The aim of creating this file filing system is to help and make it easier for employees to manage existing files.The research process involved identifying problems in Hajj file management, collecting data through observation, interviews, and literature study. System development uses PHP, Bootstrap, and HTML5 programming languages ​​as well as software, MySQL, Xampp, and Visual Studio Code. This system development method uses the waterfall method which has stages in a systematic sequence starting from analysis to maintenance. This research produces an information system in the form of a file archiving website that can help employees work in storing files, searching for data quickly and accurately, minimizing the risk of damage or loss of files, as well as making it easier for employees to manage archive data to be more effective and efficient, as well as ensuring information security stored data.</p> Irma Listiani Yustria Handika Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 Irma Listiani, Yustria Handika Siregar 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 2 1 9 22 10.55537/bigint.v2i1.775 Design of Information System for Application for Employee Promotion in the Ministry of Religion of Medan City <p>A promotion is an application for a promotion given to civil servants who have reached a certain work period limit for promotion to rank or position, namely once every two years and if they have fulfilled the requirements based on the applicable laws and regulations. At the Medan City Ministry of Religion Office, promotions are carried out every two years within two months and are still done manually, namely when submitting promotion documents, the personnel department checks the civil servant decree and notifies the employee concerned if there are incomplete requirements that must be completed to be submitted to Promotion if there are problems requires a long time to check employee data and employee files which must be completed as a condition for applying for promotion, considering that there is a risk of losing employee files. Applications for promotions that are made manually also often experience delays in issuing promotion letters. The result of this research is an information system in the form of a website for applying for employee promotions which was built to assist the Medan City Ministry of Religion Office, especially the personnel department, in scheduling and issuing promotion decisions and can assist in filling out employee decision letters quickly, accurately and personally.</p> Wini Istya Sari Lubis Wini Helmi Fauzi Siregar Muhammas Yasin Simargolang Copyright (c) 2024 Wini Istya Sari Lubis Wini, Helmi Fauzi Siregar, Muhammas Yasin Simargolang 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 2 1 23 33 10.55537/bigint.v2i1.776 Design of Monitoring System For Hajj Departure Schedule At Medan City Ministry Of Religion Office <p>This research aims to track the departure time of prospective Hajj pilgrims from the Medan City Ministry of Religion's online platform. The research was carried out using a system built using the PHP and MySQL programming languages. Data was collected from the previous three years to obtain an estimate of the departure schedule for prospective Hajj pilgrims from Medan City. The results of the research show that the Hajj departure schedule monitoring system that was built was effectively used by the Medan City Ministry of Religion. This system makes it possible to provide more accurate departure schedule estimates based on previous historical data. Thus, this system can help prospective Hajj pilgrims to monitor departure schedules without having to come to the office.</p> Frans Adetya Harahap M. Faisal Afiff Tarigan Copyright (c) 2024 Frans Adetya Harahap, M. Faisal Afiff Tarigan 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 2 1 34 44 10.55537/bigint.v2i1.804 E-Letter Design Using Prototype System Development Methodology <p>This research aims to design a web-based correspondence information system using the prototype method. The research methodology involves iterative prototype development starting with gathering user requirements followed by designing system prototypes using UML diagrams. The prototypes were evaluated by users to provide feedback for refinements in subsequent iterations. Multiple iterations were conducted until a satisfactory prototype matching the user needs was obtained. The resulting prototype covers core features like incoming and outgoing mail data collection, mail disposition, and reporting. In summary, the prototype method enabled designing a good correspondence information system that fulfills the user requirements before full system implementation.</p> Muhammad Dedi Irawan Risdani Muarif Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Dedi Irawan, Risdani Muarif 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 2 1 45 58 10.55537/bigint.v2i1.806